tahun baru TAHUN BARU tahun baru TAHUN BARU.....hummmm jemu ku dgr kerana ap???KERANA tak ad lgsung PERUBAHAN dalam hidupku......thun baru jugak AZAM baru kite....tpi aq tidak mempunyai AZAM mcm korg sume ...aq dengan pendirian hidup aq.....aq pon tak tau knpe ngn aq ni,,,,aq x ad pendirian HIDUPPPP..tolonggggggg la U all..hummmmmm :( kdg2 aq sedih dgn diri aq....sedisssss melihatnye....mcm bangkai yg x bernyawa....:'( ap2 pown korg bg la smngt tok aq berubah dan ini sume tok mse dpn aq jgk...ap2 pown i love u friend <3<3<3
HUG U MY FRIEND :)))) <3<3
Sometimes we think we will be fine by ourselves because a dream is a wish that we make all alone. It is easy to feel like we do not need help from nobody but it is harder to walk on our own. Soon we change inside and also outside when we realize that the world come to life and everything’s bright from beginning to end when we have a friend by our sides. That helps us to find the beauty we are when we open our heart and believe in the gift of a friend. But how do we want our friends to be and what are the qualities we expect from a good friend.
AT last it is hard to believe in friend nowadays, but when we look around us, we can still find some humble persons who have good qualities and share our life with. When someone cares, try to be present in your life and also is honest with us, do not screw it up but return that favor. We may have a lot of friends, but not all of them are good friends.
first thing I n family take my sis at MMHE..Than my sis want to expense SECRET RECIPE woww..sgt sdp.KN...hehe jgn JELES u all..than kitaorg mkn NSI LEMAK AYM N SOTO HEE ^_^ after that kitaorg pg ke surau unuk menunaikn kewajipan sbgai muslim..than aq ternmpk kdai SAMSUNG..so i n fmly msok ke kdai tu n cari SAMSUNG CORBYII heee~^_^ so im very happy n i say my mom want to buy that phone??so my mom say?? "u want buy,use your money la" ngee~ ^_^ (aq tersnyum2 ajek..) than i say?? "ok mama hehe..." my mom say?? " u really want to buy this phone"? so i say? " yes mom i really2 want to buy this phone bcause i like it...:) i like it style n price..ngee^_^ so abg yg jual enset tu ktawa tgk kitaorg huahuahua..:D than abg tu pon tye adik nk wne ap??so i say PINKK...ngee~^_^ than abg tu cite la pasal componen2 phone tu..hehe..DONE,,,,, than i pay thats phone..my sis say?? "suka la tu " i say?? "suka la hehe :) than kitaorg CHOOWWW...ARRR hehhehe...
u all msti nk tau kn aq blikn mne?? AT JUSCO PERMAS~
so aq nk tnjuk kat korg la SAMSUNG CORBYY NI..(bukan blgak just tnjuk...jek..)
so what to do..?? i dont have any idea... can u all give me idea...? how to lose my bored???
bosan bosan n bosan bosan..BOSAN..nguarhhhhhhhhhhhh...
bile bosan mule la cri psal ngn org huahuahua..bile bosan mule la cri yg x berfaedah lagsung..Aaauuumm. bile bosan mule la merunggut..hummmm..so smpai bile nk bosan ni...
xpe sebulan jek cuti...:) so bersabar la ye..FaRaH SuHaIlAh..:))
so smpai disini ajek la ye kwn2...^_^
Saturday, 3 December 2011
But right now I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn, What I'd do to have you here, here, here I wish you were here. Damn, Damn, Damn What I'd do to have you